Settings & Save System

  • Bug Fixes
  • Settings Menu
  • Save System

Settings Menu:

Rendering & Sound Options

Change between Fast (One Layer) or Fancy (With Depth and Effects )

Save System:

If no data is detected:

You can press "L" to load a saved file


If data is detected:

You can press "R" to clean data and download it.

Or "L" to load a saved file.

Which data?

The list of "best time" of each level!


In the "Levels" Menu you can see "load" & "save".

Load: Upload a My levels Info.txt file.

Save: Download a file (My levels Info.txt) with your best times in each level!

Bugs fixed:

  • In Creator Mode the position of the player would change every round. Changing his spawn point to where it was left.
  • In Creator Mode Toxic Grass looked green instead of red!

Bugs created and fixed:

  • When setting SFX volume it disabled like 80% of the game. fixeeeeddd!
  • Loading a file on the start screen worked, but not on the Levels Menu screen. :( fixeeeed.
  • idk :)


Rotate 2 (3).html 17 MB
39 days ago

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